
Screeny pi
Screeny pi

  • 4 x jumper wires (used to connect the power from the Adapter Board and the GPIO pins on the Pi so the 2Amp power is shared across both units).
  • 4 x stand-offs and screws (used to mount the adapter board and Raspberry Pi board to the back of the display).
  • A range of educational software and programs available on the Raspberry Pi will be touch enabled, making learning and programming easier on the Raspberry Pi.
  • Simply connect your Raspberry Pi, develop a Python script to interact with the display, and you’re ready to create your own home automation devices with touch screen capability.
  • Make your own Internet of Things devices including a visual display.
  • #Screeny pi drivers

    Truly Interactive - the latest software drivers will support a virtual ‘on screen’ keyboard, so there is no need to plug in a keyboard and mouse.Touchscreen drivers with support for 10-finger touch and an on-screen keyboard will be integrated into the latest Raspbian OS for full functionality without a physical keyboard or mouse. Only two connections to the Pi are required power from the Pi’s GPIO port and a ribbon cable that connects to the DSI port present on all Raspberry Pi’s. The 800x480 display connects via an adapter board which handles power and signal conversion.

    screeny pi screeny pi

    The 7” Touchscreen Display for Raspberry Pi gives users the ability to create all-in-one, integrated projects such as tablets, infotainment systems and embedded projects!

    Screeny pi